Saturday Short Takes Here's a selection of web articles on weight loss and related topics that caught my eye this week. 1. Looking for Magic Bullets to Fire at Obesity According to an article on the MedicalXpress site, "a number of magic bullets" are needed to fight obesity. It's more like magic shotgun shells. After recounting the usual statistics about the extent of the obesity epidemic and its human and financial costs (in this case, with a UK focus), the article moves on to the "bullets." … [Read more...]
Avocado in the morning
Avocado in a low carb diet Pictured is my low-carb breakfast this morning: two eggs fried in coconut oil, three small and crispy strips of bacon, and the flesh of half an avocado. It's a fairly typical breakfast for me these days. I eat other things in the morning, including a goopy mixture of chia seeds, almond butter, walnuts and (LCHF purists avert your eyes!) oatmeal. But day in and day out, my breakfast is likely to include eggs. If I'm fortunate enough to have an avocado on hand, … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: May 3 – May 9
Starting Weight = 220.6 lbs. Ending Weight = 220.0 lbs. It was neither the best of weeks nor the worst of weeks for me. I got 70% of my calories from fat, and kept my average daily net carbohydrates to 26 grams. My body weight dropped by six-tenths of a pound, putting me at an even 220 pounds. Two months into my low-carb high-fat diet reboot, I have lost 12 pounds. I have also lost an inch or more around the middle (where I tend to store most of my body fat) and can now wear a few pairs of … [Read more...]
Goodbye to bread!
Saturday Short Takes Google Alerts has brought me a diversified set of low-carb stories from around the world. Let's take a look! 1. Goodbye to Bread First up is Kim Poindexter writing in the Tahlequah Daily Press, who testifies that "Low-carb diets work, but say ‘bye to bread." Kim was told by her doctor that she had Type-2 Diabetes and needed to lose weight. So she went on a low-carb diet and has so far lost 32 pounds. She notes that although she practices yoga, swims, and lifts weights, … [Read more...]
Eric Westman on low-carb science and practice In this video produced by Duke University, Dr. Eric Westman discusses the "science and practice" of eating a low-carb diet. Westman is director of the Duke Lifestyle Medicine program, an expert on obesity, and co-author of The New Atkins for a New You. Westman worked with the late Dr. Robert Atkins, and has published studies on the use and effectiveness of low-carb diets. He sees the fear of dietary fat as at the root of our weight problems. He … [Read more...]
Net carbs defended
Calculating "Net Carbs" In following my low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet, I've always been guided by the concept of "net carbs." This is the notion that carbohydrates from fiber don't get used by the body to raise blood glucose levels, so therefore fiber content can be subtracted from total carbs. What's left, the net carbs, are what the LCHF dieter counts and pays attention to. Or so I have believed. I've lost weight by keeping my net carb intake to around 30 - 35 grams per day. For … [Read more...]
5 lessons for eating low-carb
What has worked and what hasn't in my low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) way of eating? Looking back, I glean five lessons for eating low-carb and losing weight. Last updated April 2017. It seems as good a time as any to look back and figure out what has worked and what hasn't in my low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) way of eating. I've been eating low-carb for four years now (since March 2011). Admittedly, I went off the reservation a bit from 2012 to 2014, and gained back about 25 hard-lost pounds. That would … [Read more...]
Busting the myth that you must exercise to lose weight
From my personal experience, as well as my reading, I know that it simply isn't necessary to exercise to lose weight. I've lost plenty of pounds following my low carb, high fat (LCHF) way of eating without resorting to what Mark Twain called the "loathsome" practice of exercise. I wrote a blog post about it a few years ago, featuring Mr. Twain, which is one of my personal favorites even though no one else ever cared for it. Maybe readers thought I was advocating a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, … [Read more...]
My low-carb week in review: April 12 – April 18, 2015
The maddening logic of metabolism struck again this week. I ate according to my low carb diet all week -- no splurges, no wild indulgences, no day out of the norm. For the week, I averaged 1,727 calories, 139g fat, 26g net carbs, and 91g protein per day. That average daily calorie total was significantly lower than for past five weeks, and the macro-nutrient percentages were about the same. All in all, a great week of sensible low-carb eating, and yet I gained a bit of weight, tipping … [Read more...]
A fat-added lunch
Eating a low-carb high-fat (LCHF) diet as I do, it isn't good enough to avoid or reduce carbohydrates in my meals. I also need to eat plenty of healthy, tasty, satisfying fat. Ideally, I want the grams of fat in my meals to out-number the grams of carbs and protein combined, and I want the carbs to be minimal. (See my post on the fat-burning quotient.) Often, that means I need to find a way to add some extra fat. Take my lunch yesterday, pictured below. The base is three ounces of canned … [Read more...]
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