This is the weekly digest for my Low Carb Nugget podcast. The latest topics on the podcast: weighing for enhanced weight-loss, reducing dementia risk with healthy, low carb foods, and deciding which meal to skip on an intermittent fast. The titles below link to the episode's show notes at … [Read more...]
This week’s nuggets: June 20-24, 2017
At the center this week is an episode about the obesity crisis, the great public health threat of our time. Flanking it are episodes on a possible remedy and a possible obstruction to progress. I'll let you figure out which is which. You can subscribe to the Low Carb Nugget via any of the following: Apple Podcasts Google Play Music Stitcher TuneIn (If you have an Amazon Echo, use the command, "Alexa, play The Low Carb Nugget Podcast on TuneIn.") … [Read more...]
A day in my low-carb life: May 2017
It's been a while since I recounted a day of low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) eating. Granted, only an LCHF beginner would find such a post interesting and/or useful, and even that may be wishful thinking on my part, but taking a close look at what I'm doing diet-wise is a major purpose for the blog -- at least from my point of view. If nothing else, writing down what I'm eating makes me pay attention to the process. So here goes. … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: October 12 – 18
Starting weight = 212.0 lbs. Ending weight = 212.4 lbs. I've been within a pound of my current weight for six weeks. I guess this is a stall. Another stall, I should say. Earlier I stalled around the 220 pound level. Of course, it is only a "stall" because I'm still desiring to lose weight. If I were at my target weight (199 pounds), and stayed at that weight for weeks on end, it wouldn't be a stall. It would be a plan. … [Read more...]
Calories up, fat up — weight down
OK, this is more like it. Yesterday (Monday, July 6) I consumed 2,400 calories, with 73% coming from fat. That's about 800 more calories than I consumed on an average day during the previous week. Today my weight is 219.4 pounds, down eight-tenths of a pound from yesterday. I don’t put much stock in a one-day weight loss. In fact, as a regular reader of this blog knows, I have made a point of NOT weighing in every day. I even have my doubts about a weekly weigh-in. But I am pleased that … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: May 3 – May 9
Starting Weight = 220.6 lbs. Ending Weight = 220.0 lbs. It was neither the best of weeks nor the worst of weeks for me. I got 70% of my calories from fat, and kept my average daily net carbohydrates to 26 grams. My body weight dropped by six-tenths of a pound, putting me at an even 220 pounds. Two months into my low-carb high-fat diet reboot, I have lost 12 pounds. I have also lost an inch or more around the middle (where I tend to store most of my body fat) and can now wear a few pairs of … [Read more...]