Last updated on April 18th, 2017

Links to Updated and Refurbished Posts
“Life After Carbs” is six years old, which is 120 in Internet years. At such an advanced age, the site needed some tender-loving-care, so I put on the tool-belt and hardhat and went to work.
I changed the look and organization of the homepage, and perhaps more importantly, reviewed and revised a whole bunch of posts and pages that told the story of my continuing low-carb life-style.
In many cases, a good post had gotten buried and forgotten (even by me). When the content still seemed important or useful, and the writing a notch above the mundane (which it didn’t always), I fixed problems, added ideas or links or illustrations or even a couple new paragraphs, and placed the post into the new “featured” category where it would get a chance to shine on the homepage once in a while.
Over the years, I’ve posted nearly 200 articles on “Life After Carbs.” Probably, some articles deserved to be buried and stay buried. But not all. Here’s a list of some that deserved another moment in the sun (at least in the opinion of the guy who wrote them).
5 lessons for eating low-carb — this may be the most important post on the blog. It lays out principles I need to follow better. It’s central to the mission.
Baked, broiled or deep-fried: how do you like your variables? — an old one, and overly long, but I still like it.
Beliefs can cause inflammation of the brain — bad title. It only makes sense after you’ve read the post. Or maybe not even then.
Calculating Skaldeman’s fat-burning quotient — how can you not like a post with “fat burning” in its title? OK, “quotient” is a problem. What is that? But the basic idea is important.
Eating ancient wheat — my wife wants to order some more of this.
Low-carb brunch on a summer Sunday — a simple post. I remember being very happy on the day I wrote it.
Low-carb diets and dental health — this one placed high in Google’s search results, even before I added the close-up of the woman’s smiling mouth. But I’d totally forgotten it.
Low-carb road-trip eating — another post with pleasant memories surrounding it. For me, anyway.
The ups and downs of weighing in — somehow I worked the Grand Canyon into an article about weighing yourself while dieting. Sheer genius.
What is a low-carb diet? — an early, bedrock post. Awkwardly charming (or the other way around).
Why I am planning to take fish-oil supplements — I added more to this than any other.
Why we snack — mostly I added pictures. They help. It must be why all the bloggers use them.
I also made small or large improvements to a few of the more popular pieces on the blog — yes, there are some — such as Coffee = Life = Coffee and especially the Low-Carb Diet Resources page, but I was reluctant to do too much. The popular articles must have some accidental magic about them that I’m unlikely to improve and could easily destroy. And, anyway, I have a stronger emotional attachment to the posts that had gotten lost among the cobwebs in the blog’s basement.
I pledge to work on new stuff, just as soon as I find my tool-belt.
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