Last updated on April 14th, 2017
I dislike weighing myself every day. It’s a bit obsessive, and shows a lack of patience. Also, you’re bound to be disappointed often. Even when your long-term trend is downward, your weight will bounce up many days.
Why? I don’t know why. Most people think it has something to do with shedding or retaining water. All I know from my personal experience is that the “calories in/ calories out” model doesn’t explain weight change.
Anyway, I’m weighing myself every day this week because I’ve been in a stall for two months, and figure I need to shake things up. As one reader put it, I need to get my head back in the game.
Today was one of the disappointing days. My morning weight came in at 218.4 pounds. That’s up about a half-a-pound from yesterday.
Still, I’m below 219 pounds, the level I was unable to break through for many weeks. I feel good about that.
My intake numbers from yesterday (Wednesday) seem OK. I consumed 2,165 calories with 71% coming from fat. I ate 64 grams of carbs, including 25 grams of fiber. That’s 39 grams of net carbs.
This morning I blew a 63 on my Ketonix Breath Ketone Analyzer, up from a 61 on Wednesday morning, and way up from the 39 I blew on Sunday. Higher readings indicate a higher level of blood ketones. So that trend also seems OK.
One mistake I may have made on Wednesday was eating a snack more than an hour after dinner. I wasn’t hungry. I’d already eaten almost 2,000 calories for the day, but my fat percentage was slightly under my minimum target of 70%. So as on Tuesday, I ate some dark chocolate as a fat boost. That improved my fat percentage, but I didn’t otherwise need to eat the chocolate. Basically, I violated one of my rules (the one against late snacks) to comply with another (the one about getting over 70% of calories for the day from fat).
Context is important. I need to keep the big picture in mind.
“Context is important. I need to keep the big picture in mind.”
great blog !